Unraveling ICAO Obstruction Regulations – Part 7 – Application: Wind Turbines

Unraveling ICAO Obstruction Regulations – Part 7 – Application: Wind Turbines

Unraveling ICAO Obstruction Regulations – Part 7 – Application: Wind Turbines

By:Avlite Systems | December 15, 2021

In this infographic series, we have a simple aim: To make the complex topic of ICAO Obstruction regulations easy to digest.

There are many specific requirements that users must consider, so with this infographic series, we will assist you to understand the right light and system for your application.

Part 1 provided the basics of ICAO Obstruction. Part 2, explored the different ICAO Obstruction Lighting types and combinations. Part 3 looked at telecommunication towers. Part 4 applied the principles to cranes. Part 5 highlights the application for buildings and Part 6 gives you a better understanding about chimneys and their lighting requirements.

The final infographic of this series is Part 7 that showcases how to utilise Low, Medium and High-Intensity lighting for the growing application of Wind Turbines.

To download a printable version of this infographic, click here.

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