Sealite USA, LLC announces the successful completion of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001:2015 audit for its manufacturing facility and processes. The awarded ISO Certification is evidence of Sealite’s commitment to quality manufacturing processes and highlights its corporate vision to deliver the highest quality aids to navigation products for the aviation and marine markets. Achieving ISO Certification is an important step for both of the company’s trademarked product lines, Avlite and Sealite. Avlite sells approach and airfield lighting to the aviation, helipad and obstruction markets and serves government and private clients who mandate ISO certified suppliers. The Sealite product line of buoys, marine lanterns, and related aids to navigation products will also benefit from the Certification due to strict federal manufacturing requirements mandated by its government clients. ISO is the world’s largest developer of voluntary International Standards. Compliance is verified through an independent agency to “keep people and goods moving safely and efficiently while encouraging responsible business and meaningful growth,” (source: ISO website). Sealite USA’s President, Tara Stewart, expressed her appreciation for the company’s commitment to the ISO standards. “Sealite and Avlite have always been committed to providing the highest quality, most innovative, safe, and reliable aid to navigation products. The ISO quality management system requires us to continuously improve our designs, manufacturing processes, and sales processes today and into the future. It’s a core value across all four of our global offices and amongst all our employees.”
To locate your nearest Avlite sales representative, or to arrange a demonstration please click here
The simplicity of the self-contained light and the option to use a PALC leaves no doubt why they chose Avlite helipad lighting.
-Jorge de Dios
It is a great benefit to our community to have this [Avlite’s helipad lighting system] installed and commissioned at CareFlight’s Toowoomba base. Avlite’s particular type of lighting lends itself to a lot of applications given that it’s easy to install, doesn’t require electricity as its solar powered and can be remotely controlled. It’s a fabulous technology, obviously a world leading technology and from my point of view, it’s great to see an Australian Manufacturing success story.
-Cr Mike Williams
For an aerodrome operator to provide equivalent night-use runway standards for the RFDS and other fixed-base users at around one-third of the cost of a traditional mains-powered runway and taxiway lighting system, there has to be greater recognised merit for this (solar-powered) alternative especially in a location like ours where it is sunny most days of the year.
-Jenny Kox
Our industry appreciates the on-going support of this Australian owned and operated company whose solar powered airfield and helipad lighting systems assist in the improvement of safety for both fixed and rotary wing aeromedical flight crews and passengers around the country.
-Graeme Field
As the busiest Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) based in the State [of Queensland], the benefits [of Avlite’s helipad lighting] are many. Not only does it [the system] enhance the safety of our operations, it also helps us to continue to improve our level of service delivery to the community and to our customers.
-Ashley van de Velde
These lights [AV-70s] have been a great asset to many outback communities that previously we were not able to access 24/7.
-Alan Benn
Just to let you know the new airport floodlight has now been installed for several weeks and the medical staff and Power and Water staff [who look after the airport] agree it has made things much easier and safer for night-time medivacs. Your assistance with enabling us to have this basic but important infrastructure is much appreciated.
-Stephanie Fielder
Since starting our distributorship with Avlite, we have gone from strength to strength with the great range of solar products and of course the fantastic support of the Avlite staff. It’s been a good year for us. May it continue.
-Eddie Lacina
Re: Avlite AV70 taxiway lights, are working really well. Thank you for your assistance in getting our ramp up and running.
-Capt. US Air Force
The lights are installed and are operating beautifully.
-Strathcona Airport
-Airport Staff
We did install all of the lights. We even used a few red lights as obstruction markers on top of 68 meter power line towers. I finally found a high quality camera and took some photos. I will send them to you as soon as I can download them. We submitted some additional light orders to our contracting office, so you can expect to receive a bit solicitation from them soon. The lights are working great and we appreciate the support.
-Patricia Granger
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