Illuminated Wind Indicator <br> AV-IWI

Airfield Lighting

Illuminated Wind Indicator

The AV-WSC-TILT Series L-807 wind cones provides visual indication of wind direction and velocity at a location on an airfield.

  • Available externally lit, internally lit or unlit
  • LED technology
  • Size 1 (18” diameter x 8’ long) or Size 2 (36” diameter x 12’ long) wind indicator
  • Centre-mounted winch for 1-person maintenance
  • Nylon sock treated for rot, mildew & water repellency
  • Solar configurations sized to the installation location
  • Optional Radio Control The AV-WSC-TILT is also available with Radio Control, whereby lights can be operated by a wireless handheld controller, which enables personnel to remotely activate the windsock light.
  • Optional Pilot Activated Lighting Control The AV-WSC-TILT can be integrated into Avlite’s Pilot Activated Lighting Controller (AV-PALC), to allow approaching aircraft to activate the windsock light on unmanned aerodromes.

The AV-WSC-TILT Series L-807 wind cones provides visual indication of wind direction and velocity at a location on an airfield.

  • Available externally lit, internally lit or unlit
  • LED technology
  • Size 1 (18” diameter x 8’ long) or Size 2 (36” diameter x 12’ long) wind indicator
  • Centre-mounted winch for 1-person maintenance
  • Nylon sock treated for rot, mildew & water repellency
  • Solar configurations sized to the installation location
  • Optional Radio Control The AV-WSC-TILT is also available with Radio Control, whereby lights can be operated by a wireless handheld controller, which enables personnel to remotely activate the windsock light.
  • Optional Pilot Activated Lighting Control The AV-WSC-TILT can be integrated into Avlite’s Pilot Activated Lighting Controller (AV-PALC), to allow approaching aircraft to activate the windsock light on unmanned aerodromes.
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