Avlite Systems to Exhibit at CANEW 2016 in Canada

Avlite Systems to Exhibit at CANEW 2016 in Canada

Avlite Systems to Exhibit at CANEW 2016 in Canada

By:Avlite Systems | September 16, 2016

Tilton, New Hampshire, USA – September, 2016 – Avlite Systems will be exhibiting at The Canadian Airports National Electrical Workshop (CANEW), from 25 – 30 September at The Delta Beausejour Hotel in Moncton New Brunswick, Canada.

CANEW 2016 will focus on operating and maintaining airport building and electrical systems, airfield electrical infrastructure, energy management and renewable energy systems. Attendees include the Department of National Defence Canada, Transport Canada and Public Works Canada. Delegates attending from across Canada, USA, Europe and China will discuss airport issues of national scope, and technical airport operators from around the globe can interact and exchange information.

The Trade Show provides delegates networking opportunities with the latest technologies from suppliers and equipment manufacturers, which are valuable for the future safety and support of airports moving forward. For more information on CANEW 2016 visit http://www.canew.ca/

Avlite Systems will be exhibiting our comprehensive range of Airfield, Obstruction and Heliport lighting, specifically designed for defence, government and civil operations in the toughest environments. Avlite’s Airfield lighting specialists will be happy to discuss your needs and how we can improve safety and operations for your airport.

Visit the Avlite team and get hands on with our most innovative products for the airport industry. Or to learn more about Avlite’s comprehensive range of airfield, heliport and obstruction lights, click here.