Avlite Systems Joins NGAUS at This Year’s 144th General Conference & Exhibition

Avlite Systems Joins NGAUS at This Year’s 144th General Conference & Exhibition

Avlite Systems Joins NGAUS at This Year’s 144th General Conference & Exhibition

Avlite Systems Joins NGAUS at This Year’s 144th General Conference & Exhibition

By:Roxie Crosby | July 05, 2022

Tilton, New Hampshire, USA July 5, 2022 Avlite Systems, a global leader in the design and manufacture of aviation lighting equipment for expeditionary and permanent applications, will exhibit at Booth #513 at the National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS) 144th General Conference & Exhibition. The annual event will be held this year at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio from August 26 – 29.

Avlite will be among the 4000+ professionals to gather at the four-day event, which includes over 2000 Army and Air National Guardsmen from across the country. Industry experts will have the opportunity to network, set legislative agenda, and share knowledge and experiences with America’s civil and military leaders.

Laurie Forand, the Business Development Manager for USDOD and NATO accounts, is eager to showcase the company’s military product line including the MOTS ALS System. She says,

“Avlite always looks forward to discussing expeditionary lighting needs with the military professionals and highlighting how Avlite’s products can meet and exceed their requirements.”

The following products will be displayed at the exhibit and can be configured in solar, wired, or hybrid-power:

All Avlite lighting equipment is available in overt-visible and covert-NVG/IR modes. Avlite’s High Mobility Airfield Lighting System (AV-HMALS®) is a highly flexible, portable system that supports operational readiness requirements. Avlite Systems has a proven reputation for aviation products designed for defense, government, and civil operations in remote, harsh environments, and hold a program of record for US DOD and NATO expeditionary solar airfield lighting systems including the US Army MOTS system.

 Visit Avlite’s Laurie Forand and the rest of the aviation team at Booth #513, or contact us to schedule a meeting.