Avlite Systems Enhances their Obstruction Portfolio with the addition of the solar self contained FAA L-810

Avlite Systems Enhances their Obstruction Portfolio with the addition of the solar self contained FAA L-810

Avlite Systems Enhances their Obstruction Portfolio with the addition of the solar self contained FAA L-810

By:Avlite Systems | July 07, 2016

Avlite Systems today enhanced their obstruction lighting product portfolio, with the addition of the self-contained solar LED Low-Intensity Obstruction Light (LIOL). Compliant to FAA L-810 photometric requirements. The low-intensity obstruction light is specifically designed for the marking of wind turbines during construction as required by FAA AC70/7460-1L.

Avlite Systems solar LED obstruction lighting products are compact, rugged and come fully self-contained. They offer rapid and easy installation due to the fact there is no external cables or power required. The light unit can be monitored through optional GSM monitoring and can be controlled via optional GPS synchronisation. The obstruction light is virtually maintenance free, has integrated solar panels and user replaceable battery, that will exceed five years of service.

Avlite Systems has an extensive track record of providing turnkey obstruction lighting projects, our long-standing relationships within the aviation industry ensure that we design and deliver the most innovative products, services and solutions to our global customers. Avlite Systems a name you can trust for quality, commitment and service excellence.

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